The INFILL-PANEL product is known as an <<interlocking panel>> and consists of a kit of panels assembled with profiles that are delivered to the contractor’s site. Somundy provides the total design and supply solution. The contractor only installs the core system, interior cladding and termination to the first layer of exterior cladding supplied by Somundy. This product is ideal for enclosing large buildings up to six times faster than traditional masonry. The panel is compatible with all types of finishes including marble, granite and others.
The product is compatible and attachable to the traditional concrete structure system and heavy metal structure of columns and beams respectively. For the manufacture of this product, exact measurements of the floor to ceiling height of the spaces to be fitted with the panels must be available, in addition to applying the design stresses in relation to winds, deflection margin as well as the types of connection, among other specific considerations.
Several exterior enclosure alternatives are available. Other suggested enclosure systems can be supplied upon request.